Wednesday, 3 October 2012

evepostapple: A Comparison Of Today’s Most Popular Diets Are...

evepostapple:A Comparison Of Today’s Most Popular DietsAre...

evepostapple:A Comparison Of Today’s Most Popular DietsAre you still dieting?  If so, which diet have you selected and why?  This article compares some of today’s most popular diets and gives you pros and cons.Fruit, no fruit.  Carbs, no carbs.  Ahhh..its enough to make any of us crazy!There are numerous diet plans out there, all touting to be the best.   Some are better than others but how do you decipher this information?  Lists that rank and discuss pros and cons of the most common commercial diets are available and always subject to the authors’ biases.  Beyond all the marketing of slender figures there are some less sexy, black and white documents found in the databases of PubMed that have looked at this clinical question objectively.Background 101: How to dissect a commercial diet for weight loss.

  1. By the ratio of fat, protein and carbohydrate.  Let’s call this Macronutrient proportions.
  2. By the amount of caloric restriction.
  3. By its impact on health risk factors.
In order to dissect a diet plan you need to assess it for these 3 main characteristics.  First, understanding the recommended proportions of macronutrients, is it low carb, low fat/high carb or some other perfect mix.  Secondly, understand the caloric restriction expected.  What was this number based upon; will exercise be encouraged or discouraged?  Thirdly, what are the beneficial or detrimental side effects this diet will so generously provide.  Is weight loss the bottom-line or are things like life expectancy worth taking a look at too.Macronutrient Proportion Diets
  • Low carb diet: The low-carbohydrate, non–restricted-calorie diet was based on the Atkin’s Diet
  • High carb/low fat diet: The low-fat, restricted-calorie diet was based on the American Heart Association guidelines.
  • Mediterranean diet: The moderate-fat, restricted-calorie, Mediterranean diet is rich in vegetables and low in red meat, with poultry and fish replacing beef and lamb.
The major difference in most diets are the way in which they may emphasize or de-emphasizes certain macronutrient groups.  To analyze the diet you want to embark on you must understand their rational, if any, for they’re magical weight loss secret.When these 3 diets were put head to head in a controlled study setting here were the results.  The fastest amount of weight loss occurred in the first six months of this 2-year trial for all diet types.  At six months the low-carb diet (Atkin’s) showed the most significant weight loss.  At the end of the trial, 2 years later, the Mediterranean diet and the Atkin’s diet demonstrated equal average weight loss of 4.4kg and 4.5kg respectively.  These results highlighting that despite Atkin’s initial greater weight loss at 6 months these were not sustained and greater regain was found within the 2 years.  The low fat-diet demonstrated inferior weight loss throughout the 2-year period with an average 2.9kg of weight loss (Trichopoulou et al., 2007).Another well-designed 2-year study echoed similar results:“Reduced-calorie diets result in clinically meaningful weight loss regardless of which macronutrients they emphasize (Sacks et al., 2009).”Bottom line:  Short-term Atkin’s does appear to have greater weight loss success that is quickly overshadowed by a faster regain in the following months.  In the long-term, the Mediterranean and the Atkin’s diet seem equivocal as far as weight loss is concerned.Caloric Restriction Diets
  • Very low cal diet: 
  • Low cal diet: 800-1350 kcal/day ie. Dr Bernstein, weight watcher’s
Do you want the quickest way to weight loss?  You may have found it. At less than 800 calories a day you might as well call it a prolonged fast.  At the end of 6 months the very low calorie diet lost 16.1 % of their body weight in comparison to 9.7% for the low calorie diet groups (Tsai and Wadden, 2006).Yes, there it is.  If you are looking for a quick short-term solution this read more..

10 do-anywhere, super easy weight loss tricks that can really take off pounds. W...

10 do-anywhere, super easy weight loss tricks that can really take off pounds. W...

10 do-anywhere, super easy weight loss tricks that can really take off pounds. Which ones are you trying tonight?
10 Small Diet and Exercise Tricks That Get Big Results
10 easy changes you can make to get diabetes under control read more..

Strength Train

Strength train between 4 and 8 p.m. Study subjects who worked out then built 22%...

Strength train between 4 and 8 p.m. Study subjects who worked out then built 22% more muscle than morning exercisers.
How to Lose Weight All Day Long
It's not just what you eat or how much you exercise that matters; it's the timing of each component that is the true secret to weight loss success.... read more..


TRY IT: Tomorrow morning, set aside a few minutes in for several rounds of Sun S...

TRY IT: Tomorrow morning, set aside a few minutes in for several rounds of Sun Salutes. We promise you'll stand taller, and feel more engaged, calm, and energized as you move through the rest of your day.
The moves:
The Calm Workout
Serene and slow, yoga might not seem like an exercise that can help you lose weight. But this ancient art is an essential part of any diet plan. read more..

Afternoon Workout-Hamstrings-Glutes

Add this move to your afternoon workout. It strengthens: core, glutes, hamstring...

Add this move to your afternoon workout. It strengthens: core, glutes, hamstrings, lower back
Split Barbell Good Morning | Fitbie
Work your glutes and hamstrings with the split barbell good morning, a straight-leg deadlift. Learn to perform this move and more with the Exercise... read more..

Friday, 28 September 2012

Core Workout

Cycling is a great low-impact exercise, but if you're not careful, your core can...

Cycling is a great low-impact exercise, but if you're not careful, your core can suffer. Boost power in the saddle with this quick and easy abs routine.
The Best Core Workout for Cyclists | Fitbie read more..

Ncaa College Football-LSU

Alabama and LSU are Nos. 1 and 2 in the AP Top 25

Alabama and LSU are back atop The Associated Press college football poll, holding down Nos. 1 and 2 the way they did most of last season. read more..

Monday, 24 September 2012

The Mountain Climber

Master this move in your living room: The mountain climber.

Master this move in your living room: The mountain climber.
5 Moves that Firm
We've put together a workout that produces major results--namely, sexy shoulders, a flatter tummy, and a firmer butt and thighs--in 6 short weeks.... read more..

Workout Clothes

Want your workout clothes to last longer? Some of them need to stay OUT of the d...

Want your workout clothes to last longer? Some of them need to stay OUT of the dryer.
How to Wash Your Running Gear | Fitbie
Your duds won't perform if you don't launder them properly read more..

It may seem logical to think that the more calories we burn by exercising, the m...

It may seem logical to think that the more calories we burn by exercising, the m...

It may seem logical to think that the more calories we burn by exercising, the more food our bodies will need immediately following a workout. But...
Fact v. Fiction: Exercise Increases Appetite | Fitbie
Will breaking a sweat send your hunger out of whack? Find out here. read more..

Systolic Blood Pressure-Waist Circumference-Healthy Kids-Bmi

A new study finds kids can decrease BMI, waist circumference, and systolic blood...

A new study finds kids can decrease BMI, waist circumference, and systolic blood pressure in under 8 minutes a day. Here's how and what you can do to help:
Fit, Healthy Kids In 8 Minutes Or Less! | Fitbie
What can your children do in less than 8 minutes? According to a study released this week in the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, kids... read more..

Thursday, 20 September 2012

No time to work out? We bet you've got 10 minutes! Here are 25 ways to squeeze i...

No time to work out? We bet you've got 10 minutes! Here are 25 ways to squeeze i...

No time to work out? We bet you've got 10 minutes! Here are 25 ways to squeeze in 10 minutes of exercise: read more..


Burn up to 50 percent more calories with this 8-week pole walking workout—only 1...

Burn up to 50 percent more calories with this 8-week pole walking workout—only 15 minutes a day!
Walk Off Weight Even Faster | Fitbie
Love your walks but aren't seeing results? Maybe you're finally ready to shake off those couch-potato crumbs and shed your extra pounds--for good.... read more..

Core Strength-Flexibility-Body Power-Exercises

From flexibility to core strength to lower body power, so called "girly" exercis...

From flexibility to core strength to lower body power, so called "girly" Exercises will help make you stronger on your favorite lifts, round out your physique, protect you from injury, and even improve your performance in the bedroom.
Men, here are the 17 moves you should be doing.
The Best Exercises Men Don't Do | Fitbie
Skipping an exercise because it's "for women" is anything but manly. Mix these moves into your routine for flat abs, stronger legs, and greater power read more..

The Atlantic Coast Conference-John I. Jenkins-Football Games-Neighborhood-Notre Dame

Notre Dame to the ACC: Why, when and how much?

Notre Dame loves its house, but thought its neighborhood was becoming run down. So it picked up its house and moved it to a new neighborhood. read more..

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Veggie Burger-Food Journal-Clif Bar

did you post your food journal yesterday? I cannot find it! :o :/

Ah, I didn’t and then I wasn’t on yesterday! Let me see if I can remember.On Sunday I went to the mountains with my grandparents in the morning and I ate a Clif bar before they came. When we got there I ate fudge haha. Around 12pm we went to eat at a diner and I got a veggie burger with a salad. The salad was simple and it had Italian dressing. Burger had ew white bread, the patty, tomato, onion, spinach, and lotsa ketchup. I ate a few fries, too hah. Then hm… I know I snacked at home, maybe on another clif bar lol. But I made an almond butter and strawberry preserves sandwich around 5pm and then I had cereal some time later and that’s all I remember. Think that was it.Yesterday I had mmm… Wow I have a bad memory and I haven’t been writing it. I had a banana and a Clif bar when I got up. I was feeling weird yesterday and I randomly decided to do yoga. Then I was doing a little upper body stuff. It started raining a bit (been having summer storms this year, it’s gr8) and I went outside to jump rope and even though I’m not supposed to, I wanted to run so I basically just ran around the block for 6 minutes. Then I did more yoga because I didn’t want my knee to bother me. Then I had a clif bar before I showered, then after I made a tofurkey sandwich. Wheat bread, 5 tofurkey slices, spinach, tomato, soy cheese, and mustard cause we were out of avocado :( Actually I took a picture of it cause I know you guys like pictures and I used one of my new tea plates :3 Then I had cereal around 4:30pm and went to work at 6:30 and of course I’m smelling food all night there so I got 2 bean burritos from work when I left. They were just beans and tortilla, and hot sauce. I don’t recall having a clif bar (yes, I really eat a lot of them and lose count track), but I did eat 3 oreo’s. That’s it! Lol. I’m going to post a photo of my sandwich soon. read more..

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Mayor Michael Bloomberg-Health Commissioner-Thomas Farley-New York City

New York City health commissioner: scold or lifesaver?

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Critics call him a puritanical scold, Gotham's Dr. No and a nursemaid to Mayor Michael Bloomberg's nanny state. Meet Thomas Farley, New York City's health commissioner. Farley, a pediatrician and endurance athlete, says they are wrong about his efforts to help New Yorkers eat better, smoke less and exercise more -- moves that have been linked to New York's recent gains in average life expectancy, the biggest gains of any metro area in the country. "Anybody who is first at doing something is going to get a lot of criticism. ... read more..


Put your kid in a stylish but supportive pair of sneakers with these Brooks Pure...

Put your kid in a stylish but supportive pair of sneakers with these Brooks PureFlow running shoes. For more gym class basics, click here:
HootSuite Photos read more..

Fitness Plateau-Alison Sweeney-Workouts

Don’t get into a fitness plateau. Your body will stop responding as well if you...

Don’t get into a fitness plateau. Your body will stop responding as well if you just repeat the same Workouts. Alison Sweeney knows when it’s time to step outside the box exercise-wise. You can too with these new classes
5 Great New Classes to Get You Fit
Is your usual workout getting boring? Good news: you can make fat-burning fun again with some new supercharged exercises. Try one of these five fun, fresh classes that some of the fittest women in Hollywood are taking to get your best body ever. read more..

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Interval Training-Lifting Weights-Workouts-P90x-Tony

10 Reasons You Should Try P90X

1. No more plateaus. The core idea behind the P90X workout is what Tony calls “muscle confusion.” By doing a different type of workout every day you’ll keep your muscles guessing, which means you’ll keep them working hard.
2. Entertainment. Tony and his crew crack jokes and do all kinds of hilarious moves  to keep your mind off the pain. And the dude is funny.
3. Well-rounded workouts. Drawing from weight lifting, interval training, yoga, plyometrics, and martial arts, among other things, you’ll work your body from every angle thereby increasing your power, strength, balance, and athletic ability.
4. Less risk of injury. Injuries often happen when you repeat the same motion over and over again, as in running. P90X has you changing up your routine so often that it reduces your risk of repetitive use injuries. Also, by working your muscles in different ways, you increase their resilience.
5. No boredom. Hate interval training? No problem, the next day you’ll be doing yoga. And the day after that you’ll be lifting weights. And the day after that you’ll be boxing. With all this variety, you’ll find some things you love and some you don’t, but as Tony put it, “P90X is about forcing you to work on your weaknesses while still training your strengths.”
6. It’s a challenge. “If it’s easy, it’s not working,” is Tony’s motto. “Is this workout for everyone?” he adds. “No. A lot of people are afraid to work hard.” But if you’re willing to take the risk, he promises big results.
7. Mental toughness. Forcing yourself to try so many new things can be difficult, but once you find yourself doing something you never thought you could, you realize that you’re capable of a lot more than you thought.
8. Sound nutrition advice. P90X comes with a diet plan that focuses on eating whole, quality foods in reasonable amounts to fuel your workouts like an athlete. P90X 2 builds on this by offering a tailored approach to allow for different philosophies such as vegetarianism or paleo-style eating.
9. All day calorie burning. “Running may burn a lot of calories while you do it, but lifting weights and doing interval training will have you burning calories around the clock,” he explains.
10. Athlete-caliber workouts. Tony has trained many professional athletes and celebrities and uses the same techniques in his program as his does with his more famous clientele. read more..

Monday, 3 September 2012

Prevention Magazine-Mascaras

Summer may be over, but we're still sweating! 5 smudge-proof mascaras to get you...

Summer may be over, but we're still sweating! 5 smudge-proof mascaras to get you through
5 of the Best Waterproof Mascaras -
Worried about your makeup running in the heat, sweat, or water? Try one of these best waterproof mascaras from Prevention magazine. read more..

Carl Lewis

As a kid, I dreamed of being Carl Lewis, but then I realized, "I am not Carl Lew...

As a kid, I dreamed of being Carl Lewis, but then I realized, "I am not Carl Lewis." --Danny Pudi
Community TV Star Danny Pudi | Fitbie
The actor from the sit-com Community talks about getting into the sport, his quest to qualify for Boston and running naked read more..

Run off 10, 20, 30 pounds or more even if you haven't run a step in years. Here'...

Run off 10, 20, 30 pounds or more even if you haven't run a step in years. Here's how:
Run Your Butt Off!
Run Your Butt Off! read more..

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Christine Mattheis

In May, editor Christine Mattheis was diagnosed with age at...

In May, editor Christine Mattheis was diagnosed with age at 27. But instead of letting the news slow her down, she set a new athletic goal: to complete the Toyota SheROX Sprint Triathlon in San Diego. Follow along here:
Trying a Tri...Again | Fitbie
In 2008, I trained for my first triathlon. I logged miles on my bike, took the interval-running class at my gym, practiced transitions, and even... read more..

Antiviral Properties-Apple Cider Vinegar-Food Poisoning-Antibacterial-Antifungal

Apple cider vinegar has a trifecta of antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral p...

Apple cider vinegar has a trifecta of antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties Just a tablespoon or two in a 8-ounce glass of water may help with a case of food poisoning! 9 more healthy uses for apple cider vinegar:
Healthy New Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar -
The apple cider vinegar stocked in your cupboard may play a starring role in your salad dressing, but it’s also enjoyed a long run as the basis of... read more..


Non Tiq - Quiet  Even if I runi´m never running fastEven in my...

Non Tiq - Quiet  Even if I run
i´m never running fast
Even in my dreams
i couldn´t make it there
What about the sounds
that never let me rest
Everything you want
I´m gonna shut it out read more..


Whether you prefer the treadmill or the great outdoors, check in with your runni...

Whether you prefer the treadmill or the great outdoors, check in with your running form to prevent injury and yield results
Running Tips: Proper Running Form Advice -
Make sure to avoid these running-form mistakes the next time you hit the treadmill, trail, or pavement read more..

Friday, 31 August 2012

Exercise Physiologist-Ace Fitness

Have you seen this new tool? ACE Fitness exercise physiologist Jessica Matthews...

Have you seen this new tool? ACE Fitness exercise physiologist Jessica Matthews explains what the ViPR is, how to use it, and whether it's worth the money: read more..

Dublin, Ireland-Allen Pinkett-Notre Dame-Broadcast

Allen Pinkett taken off broadcast for Notre Dame game in Dublin

SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Former Notre Dame running back and Fighting Irish radio analyst Allen Pinkett has been pulled off the broadcast of Saturday's season opener against Navy in Dublin, Ireland, following his comments that teams need bad guys to give them an edge. read more..

Yoga Teachers-Yoga Practice-Yoga Book-Karma

Yoga Karma: Elena Brower is working to empower yoga teachers in need of teaching...

Yoga Karma: Elena Brower is working to empower yoga teachers in need of teaching materials by gifting them copies of her new instructional yoga book, Art of Attention.
Learn more and find out how to get involved:
Improve Your Yoga Practice and Your Karma
The funding for this initiative is currently crowd-sourced through a campaign running until September 15 read more..

WEDNESDAY WORKOUT: Lose weight using a Hyperwear SandBell. This full-body circui...

WEDNESDAY WORKOUT: Lose weight using a Hyperwear SandBell. This full-body circui...

WEDNESDAY WORKOUT: Lose weight using a Hyperwear SandBell. This full-body circuit burns more calories in 20 minutes than the average 60-minute walk! read more..

Ozone Level-Weather

You probably look at the weather before working out, but do you check the ozone...

You probably look at the weather before working out, but do you check the ozone level? A study in the the Lancet found that people who exercise in high-ozone conditions are three times more likely to develop asthma than those who skip overheated workouts on those days.
More smart strategies:
HootSuite Photos read more..

Strength Training-Back Pain

Back feeling a little stiff today? Try these 4 moves to end back pain: http://ow...

Back feeling a little stiff today? Try these 4 moves to end back pain:
Stop Back Pain with Exercise -
Find out how stretching, yoga, strength training, and Pilates can ease back aches, provide pain relief, and help prevent future injuries read more..

Philadelphia Marathon-Training Recap

Have you been waiting for a Philadelphia Marathon training recap? So were we—our...

Have you been waiting for a Philadelphia Marathon training recap? So were we—our editor's been slacking! Find out why she fell off the wagon and how she reclaimed her passion for running: read more..

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Physical Activity-Fitness

“Kids who are inactive during the summer months tend to lose most of the fitness...

“Kids who are inactive during the summer months tend to lose most of the Fitness gains they achieved during the school year,” says Avery Faigenbaum, EdD, an American Council on Exercise spokesperson. But kids who move more during the summer keep their skills sharp, says Faigenbaum. “Active kids tend to return to school in the fall with more confidence to engage in physical activity and sports,” he says.
Help Your Kids Commit to Being Fit | Fitbie
Don’t leave your child’s fitness at the mercy of the Xbox controller. Start here, and make physical activity part of your family’s daily routine read more..

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Blue Cheese Dressing-Chopped Pecans-Baby Spinach-Cup Carrots-Place Eggs

Spinach Salad

6 cups baby spinach
4 tablespoons Creamy Blue Cheese Dressing, divided (recipe follows)
1 8-ounce can beets, rinsed and sliced
1 cup carrots, shredded
2 tablespoons chopped pecans, toasted
Place eggs in a single layer in a saucepan; cover with water. Bring to a simmer over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to low, cover and cook at the lowest simmer for 10 minutes. Pour off the hot water and run cold water over the eggs until they are completely cooled. Peel the eggs, discard 6 of the yolks, chop the remaining yolks and whites.
Toss spinach and 2 tablespoons dressing in a large bowl. Divide between 2 plates. Top with chopped eggs, beets, carrots and pecans. Drizzle with the remaining 2 tablespoons dressing.
Per serving: 300 calories 2 servings, about 4 cups each read more..


Work out much? Here are the latest tips from top experts for staying hydrated wh...

Work out much? Here are the latest tips from top experts for staying hydrated when you exercise (hint: chocolate milk is one of them!) read more..


Allergies acting up? Move your morning run to lunchtime or after work. Generally...

Allergies acting up? Move your morning run to lunchtime or after work. Generally, pollen peaks between 6 and 10 AM. More tips here:
HootSuite Photos read more..

Ncaa College Football-Ball

Guide to the 2012 college football season
Healthy Balanced Diet-Bally Fitness-New Research-Resolution
FILE - In this Sept. 1, 2011 file photo, Wisconsin's Montee Ball celebrates a touchdown run against UNLV during the first half of an NCAA college football game, in Madison, Wis. The Badgers are hungry after consecutive Rose Bowl losses and they have Ball, one of the nation's best running backs. (AP Photo/Andy Manis, File)

College football is in for some big and, some say, much-needed changes with the switch to a four-team playoff. read more..

Tuesday, 28 August 2012


Want to burn 100 calories? Run one mile in 11 and a half minutesJump rope sl...

Want to burn 100 calories?
Run one mile in 11 and a half minutes
Jump rope slowly for 11 minutes
Push a baby stroller for 33 minutes
More ideas:
64 Ways to Burn 100 Calories | Fitbie
Kicking calories to the curb can be easy, just make a little time for these activities read more..


The way you wash your clothes could be ruining your running gear. The skinny: ht...

The way you wash your clothes could be ruining your running gear. The skinny:
How to Wash Your Running Gear | Fitbie
Your duds won't perform if you don't launder them properly read more..

Neil Armstrong

Armstrong's small step a giant leap for humanity

When man first harnessed fire, no one recorded it. When the Wright Brothers showed man could fly, only a handful of people witnessed it. But when Neil Armstrong took that first small step on the moon in July 1969, an entire globe watched in grainy black-and-white from a quarter million miles away read more..

Water Workout

Cool off during your workout by taking it to the pool this week. Burn belly fat...

Cool off during your workout by taking it to the pool this week. Burn belly fat with this plan
Cardio and Strength Training Water Workout For The Pool -
Don't let high temps wilt your will to exercise. Have more fun in the pool with a water workout that tones fat zones and blasts more than 300... read more..

Rock out during your workout: Researchers found that runners who listened to mus...

Rock out during your workout: Researchers found that runners who listened to mus...

Rock out during your workout: Researchers found that runners who listened to music exercised 15% longer. Do you always run or walk with music? read more..

Communist Government-Neighborhood Clinic-Free Medical Care-Health Sector-Cuba Campaign

Cuba campaign takes on 'free' health care
Government Health Officials-American Women-Healthday News-Home Births-Health News
In this Aug 10, 2012 photo, a nurse gives Karolin Deniss Verdecia a shot for allergies at a government run neighborhood clinic in Havana, Cuba. Cuba's system of free medical care, long considered a birthright by its citizens and trumpeted as one of the communist government's great successes, is not immune to cutbacks under Raul Castro's drive for efficiency. The health sector has al

Cuba's system of free medical care, long considered a birthright by its citizens and trumpeted as one of the communist government's great successes, is not immune to cutbacks under Raul Castro's drive for efficiency. read more..

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Hash House Harriers-Drinking Club

Meet the Hash House Harriers, who proudly describe themselves as “a drinking clu...

Meet the Hash House Harriers, who proudly describe themselves as “a drinking club with a running problem.”
Trails and Ales | Fitbie
A San Francisco running group called the Hash House Harriers meets every Monday night to train—and drink beer read more..

Functional Exercises-Fitness Program-Hotel Room-Routine

WEDNESDAY WORKOUT: Stay Fit on VacationThis versatile CrossFit-inspired routin...

WEDNESDAY WORKOUT: Stay Fit on Vacation
This versatile CrossFit-inspired routine requires no equipment and only a few feet of space, so your makeshift gym can be a hotel room, a park, or even the beach. Like the uberpopular fitness program, this workout will run you through a series of functional exercises at an intense pace. Translation: You build muscle and torch megacalories in under 20 minutes:
HootSuite Photos read more..

Friday, 24 August 2012


Are you drinking enough water before, during, and after your workouts? Here's wh...

Are you drinking enough water before, during, and after your workouts? Here's what you need to know about hydration and exercise: read more..

Good news for busy people: Danish researchers have discovered that 30 minutes of...

Good news for busy people: Danish researchers have discovered that 30 minutes of...

Good news for busy people: Danish researchers have discovered that 30 minutes of exercise a day is just as effective for weight loss as 60 minutes. Here's why.
30 Minutes of Exercise a Day is All You Need | Fitbie
30 minutes of exercise is just as effective as an hour of exercise according to new Danish research read more..

Abdominal Muscles-The Swiss Ball-Relationship-Reminder

Weekend Challenge Reminder! It's a love/hate relationship with the Swiss ball th...

Weekend Challenge Reminder! It's a love/hate relationship with the Swiss ball this weekend. Love: Because this Rollout Exercise will tone your abs. Hate: Because it's TOUGH. Are you in?
WEEKEND CHALLENGE: Swiss Ball Rollout. It's amazing to feel your abdominal muscles instantly tighten while performing this *tiny* movement. This weekend, find out how many reps you can do while maintaining proper form. SO...ARE YOU IN? read more..

Marathon Registration-Half Marathon-Allstate

Win a Race Entry for the Allstate Life Insurance Atlanta 13.1 Marathon

The Allstate Life Insurance? Atlanta 13.1 Marathon® is right around the corner and I am embarrassed to say that I am no where near where I need to be in my training to take on the half marathon distance.  I could go on and on about all the reasons why, but today the post is for all of you.
First I want to mention that the next price increase is in just a few hours at midnight August 23rd.  Don't miss this opportunity to get it before the $15 increase, and also don't forget to sweeten the deal by using the $10 off discount code QUEST10OFF131 which is good till online registration closes.  You can register for the Allstate Life Insurance? Atlanta 13.1 Marathon using the above code through the official Atlanta 13.1 Marathon Registration.
Once again this year, thanks to the US Road Sports team, one of you will have the opportunity to run the half marathon on Sunday October 7th free.
The Giveaway: One lucky winner will be chosen randomly out of all comments left on this page. The guidelines below show all the options for entries, but be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry as only one entry will be counted per comment even if you list all the ways you are eligible. The giveaway time period will not be long with the last entry being accepted on Friday August 31st.
How To Enter: 

  • Leave a comment and tell us how your training is coming for the big day. If you are not in training tell us tell us how you plan to get ready. 
  • Share the opportunity with everyone you know. You know the drill, share if with all those social media tools, your blog, and at your running club, but don’t stop there! (leave a comment for each way you share because each comment will count as an additional entry) 
  • Join the Allstate Life Insurance? Atlanta 13.1 Marathon Fanpage, follow them on Twitter at @131Marathon and leave a comment for each of these as well.
    Share often and come back daily to tell us how you have spread the word!

Time to update your feed reader to something that says 26.2 Quest even more - read more..

source:26.2 Quest

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Nocturnal Orgasms-Blood Flow-Dreams

NOCTURNAL ORGASMS: During REM sleep, the cycle when most dreams occur, blood flo...

NOCTURNAL ORGASMS: During REM sleep, the cycle when most dreams occur, Blood Flow to the vagina can increase, causing the area to engorge as it would during orgasm.
Other Weird Orgasms:
The World's Weirdest Orgasms
Your best orgasm might be stimulated by your mind or even exercise! 5 strange and surprising ways to climax read more..


Yes, you CAN run a 10K. Your plan (beginner or intermediate):

Yes, you CAN run a 10K.
Your plan (beginner or intermediate):
Run Your First (or Fastest) 10-K!
You can tackle a 6.2-mile race in seven weeks with our 10-K training plans for beginner and intermediate runners read more..

Slow Metabolism-Cardio

Are you a slave to cardio? If so, you may be encouraging your body to burn FEWER...

Are you a slave to Cardio? If so, you may be encouraging your body to burn FEWER calories. Here's why.
3 Workout Mistakes That Slow Metabolism | Fitbie
Exercise is the single best way to torch more calories all day long. Don’t let these mistakes rob you of your postworkout burn read more..

Exercise Routine-Achy-Sore

Feeling a little sore or achy this morning? If it's not too serious, you can sti...

Feeling a little Sore or achy this morning? If it's not too serious, you can still squeeze exercise in:
8 Common Workout Injuries You Can Still Exercise With -
How to continue your exercise routine when suffering from one of 8 common injuries read more..

The Living Room-Exercise Room

No room to workout in your home? No problem! Learn 7 ways to exercise in small s...

No room to workout in your home? No problem! Learn 7 ways to exercise in small spaces:
At Home Fitness: 7 Workout Ideas for Small Spaces -
Learn at home workouts you can do in the living room, in your apartment, in a small exercise room, dorm rooms, or anywhere that you don't have a... read more..


Turn yourself into a morning exerciser with these tips.

Turn yourself into a morning exerciser with these tips.
Rise and Run | Fitbie
Life getting in the way of your regular workouts? Follow this action plan to get up and running before the day begins read more..

Greek Yogurt-Fage-Fuel

Need some quick fuel before hitting the gym? Try Fage Total 2% Greek yogurt with...

Need some quick fuel before hitting the gym? Try Fage Total 2% Greek yogurt with honey. At 190 calories and 29 g of carbohydrates as well as 12 g of protein and 2.5 g fat, it’s a perfect pre-packaged mini meal that tastes good enough to be dessert. Five more pre-exercise snacks:
HootSuite Photos read more..

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The Swiss Ball-Gym Workout-Treadmill

Tired of the treadmill? Bogged down with the Swiss ball? It's easy to get stuck...

Tired of the treadmill? Bogged down with the Swiss ball? It's easy to get stuck in a fitness rut when you're doing the same gym workout or running the neighborhood loop you've been following for years. Here, five new activities to try.
5 Workouts Better Than Yours | Fitbie
Quit your boring, old, local routine and head to the great outdoors this summer to revitalize your workout and have a little fun, too read more..

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Marathon Training-Fatigue-Stress

Failure-oriented stress can tighten muscles so that they fatigue faster, hamper...

Failure-oriented Stress can tighten muscles so that they Fatigue faster, hamper coordination so you can't find your stride, distract you from your goals, and undermine mental toughness. Here's how to get past common sources of intimidation and run your best, without doubt.
Mental Tips for Marathon Training | Fitbie
Intimidated by first-time marathon training, hard courses, fast runners? These running tips can help you get over all that read more..

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Nutritious Breakfasts-Starter

Small changes can turn your pre-run breakfast into a power-packed starter for yo...

Small changes can turn your pre-run Breakfast into a power-packed starter for your day.
Nutritious Breakfasts For Running | Fitbie
If you regularly scramble eggs or blend a smoothie for breakfast, you can congratulate yourself for starting your day off right. Eating breakfast... read more..

Whether you've taken a 7-day, 30-day, or 60-day break, we've got a run/walk work...

Whether you've taken a 7-day, 30-day, or 60-day break, we've got a run/walk work...

Whether you've taken a 7-day, 30-day, or 60-day break, we've got a run/walk workout that will get you back in shape. Start today!
Get Back on Your Feet | Fitbie
Running workouts to help you regain fitness after an exercise hiatus. read more..

Congressman Paul Ryan-Vice Presidential-Federal Budget-Mitt Romney-Young Gun

Republican VP pick Ryan: from young gun to top gun

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In tapping Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan to be his vice presidential running-mate, Mitt Romney has chosen an ambitious, self-described "young gun" who has staked his entire career on a single issue -- slashing the federal budget. Ryan, 42, has spent most of his adult life in Congress, with little business or executive experience to speak of. He steadily built his credibility as a Washington insider, starting as an intern on Capitol Hill and then becoming an aide to a Republican senator from Wisconsin. ... read more..


deidreelliott:Click the photo to see it bigger/clearer.     I...

deidreelliott:Click the photo to see it bigger/clearer.     I woke up to another summer storm today, and sat out front in my sweater with some tea while I watched it rain. My friend and I had planned another hike in Forest Falls for today and it was the perfect weather to do so. There were apparently flash flood warnings up there, the roads were closed, and 4 people had to be rescued and I had no knowledge of any of that until both my mom and step mom called while I was there so things had calmed down since then.     We went to the waterfall area to see how the pool area looked. I sat on a log going across the running water and my friend went to step into the water thinking it was maybe knee high and he disappeared. He’s 6 feet tall. It was THAT deep. Funniest moment of my life (so funny my abs were hurting as I typed this). Had to take a clif bar break to laugh about it. Then we decided to hike up to the bigger part of the waterfall. There was a family up there so we stopped a bit down to rest and look at the scenery. I looked up at the side of the mountain and saw a small tree branch tumble down along with a few small rocks. I thought nothing of it until I looked up and a girl was screaming and flailing her arms around. That was certainly sad. Then we went to pick wild blackberries and some were covered in sap so my mouth tasted disgusting.     Was quite an eventful and adventurous day doing one of my favorite things ever. Hiking in the rainy weather is the absolute best. The air isn’t so hot, the rain feels nice, and everything smells so much more of nature when it’s wet. This was my day. Been hiking more often. So happy about it. read more..

Friday, 17 August 2012

Chopped Cucumber-Summer Meals-Hot Summer-Rehydrate-Puree

Rehydrate after a hot summer run with a cucumber cooler: puree a peeled, chopped...

Rehydrate after a hot summer run with a cucumber cooler: puree a peeled, chopped cucumber; strain the liquid into a glass, and add honey and lime juice to taste. Add water or seltzer and serve over ice with mint. More recipe ideas below.
Eat This Now: Cucumbers | Fitbie
The hydrating low-cal veggie is perfect for summer meals and snacks read more..

Energy Chews-Energy Gels-Training-Marathon

Training for a half-marathon or marathon? We road-tested 7 run-fueling energy ch...

Training for a half-Marathon or marathon? We road-tested 7 run-fueling energy chews: Find out which is best for you!
Grossed Out by Energy Gels? Try Energy Chews | Women's Health Running Blog: Running Tips, Running Mo
Gotta Run - Just another WH Blogs Sites site read more..

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant-Fukushima Daiichi Plant-Nuclear Power Company

Japan video shows delay in using seawater to cool meltdown reactor

TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese nuclear power company hesitated before using corrosive seawater to cool the No. 2 reactor at the stricken Fukushima plant because it hoped it could be used again, video released by the company shows, contradicting official findings. The Fukushima Daiichi plant, run by Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), was struck by an earthquake and tsunami on March 11 last year, crippling cooling systems and triggering fuel rod meltdowns and radiation leaks that led to mass evacuations and widespread contamination. ... read more..

Chomper Body Muscle-Spectacular Scenery-Marathon Training-Smoothie-Recipes

Healthy Things We <3: Chomper Body Muscle Butter. Perfect for post-exercise reco...

Healthy Things We ?: Chomper Body Muscle Butter. Perfect for post-exercise recovery and relaxation. Find out why as well as how you can get a FREE sample! read more..

Mmm. Two post-exercise #smoothie #recipes packed with muscle-nourishing carbs an...

Mmm. Two post-exercise #smoothie #Recipes packed with muscle-nourishing carbs and protein:
Marathon Training: Eating and Drinking for Recovery | Fitbie
A Fitbie blogger explores the benefits of post-run foods, drinks, and smoothies during marathon training read more..

Are you already bored with mud runs? Then you&#x2019;ll want to scope out these nine ra...

Are you already bored with mud runs? Then you’ll want to scope out these nine races, which up the ante with imaginative challenges, spectacular scenery, and extra-tough obstacles.
9 Extreme Fitness Challenges to Try in 2012 | Fitbie
These races are anything but run-of-the-mill. Test your athletic skills (and have some fun!) at one of these unique events read more..

Strength Training Routine

Don&#039;t have an hour to exercise? That&#039;s ok! This full-body strength training rout...

Don't have an hour to exercise? That's ok! This full-body strength training routine only takes 15 minutes.
15-Minute Full-Body Dumbbell Blast | Fitbie
Turn a pair of dumbbells into a complete fitness tool with this 15-minute total body blast. Find hundreds of workouts at read more..

Easy Ways To Lose Weight-100 Weight Loss Tips

What&#039;s your excuse for not losing weight? Here are 100 things you can do to shed...

What's your excuse for not losing weight? Here are 100 things you can do to shed pounds:
Weight Loss Tips: 100 Easy Ways to Lose Weight -
Use these 100 weight loss tips to add more exercise to your daily routine and you'll lose weight fast--without dieting or breaking a sweat. read more..

Fitness Equipment-Personal Trainer-Workout Routine-The Muscles-Pvc Pipe

Maximize your workout routine with unconventional gear that gets results. PVC pi...

Maximize your Workout Routine with unconventional gear that gets results. PVC pipe, anyone?
Double-Duty Fitness Equipment | Fitbie
Trainers share six clever ways to repurpose exercise equipment that’ll make your workout twice as effective read more..

"Working the muscles in your feet develops your ability to transfer energy from...

"Working the muscles in your feet develops your ability to transfer energy from the landing to the push-off, which helps you go farther with less fatigue," says Penny Hamilton, a Colorado-based Personal Trainer.
4 Moves for Stronger Feet and Ankles | Fitbie
Strengthen the muscles in your feet and ankles to run farther--and healthier read more..

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre-Medical Officer Of Health-Mental Health Programs

Ottawa Public Health addressing gaps in mental health programs and services for children and youth

Ottawa Public Health (OPH) is working with community partners to address gaps in mental health programs in Ottawa on the heels of the 2011 Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey. The mental health portion of the survey, conducted during the 2010/11 school year, found that one in three Ottawa students in grades 7 to12 reported elevated levels of psychological distress, over a quarter had been bullied on school property, and 12 per cent considered suicide in the past year.  “Momentum to address mental health and prevent suicide in our community continues to build, and the results of this survey make it clear much more can be done,” said Dr. Isra Levy, Medical Officer of Health. “That’s why Ottawa Public Health, along with partners such as the Youth Services Bureau, Le Centre psychosocial and the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, is continuing its efforts to address gaps in mental health programs and services, particularly for children and youth.”Supporting the Youth Services Bureau’s Youth Mental Health Walk-in Clinic, working with Ottawa-area school boards to increase resiliency and coping skills in youth through the Healthy Transitions program and partnering with Crossroads Children’s Centre and Centre Psychosocial to screen children for potential developmental, mental, social, and emotional issues before they start school are just some of the services OPH is proud to help deliver.“Partnering with Ottawa Public Health has allowed the YSB to support more youth and their families in times of need,” said Joanne Lowe, Executive Director, Youth Services Bureau. “The results of this survey clearly show Ottawa’s children and youth need this kind of coordinated community support.”OPH will be providing a full update on its strategy to promote mental health and prevent suicide among children and youth to the Board of Health at its next meeting, which will take place at City Hall in the Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West on August 20, 2012 at 5 p.m. They will be joined by representatives from the Youth Services Bureau and Le Centre Psychosocial.“The inclusion of Francophone specific mental health resources and programs in Ottawa Public Health’s Mental Health Strategy is significant,” said Guy Bouchard, Clinical Director of Le Centre Psychosocial. “Ottawa Public Health understands the Francophone culture and community, and has targeted mental health programs to meet these needs. We value our partnership with OPH and look forward to continuing our work together to serve Francophone children in this community for years to come.” Background:What is the Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey?The survey has been conducted every two years since 1977 and features a random sample of students in grades 7 through 12, enrolled in Ontario’s public and separate school systems. Thanks to additional funding from OPH, a representative sample of 1,015 Ottawa students completed the survey in 2011. More data sets, including alcohol, drug and tobacco use, healthy eating active living and gambling will be released by OPH in the coming weeks and monthsMental Health, Youth Climate and Bullying Among Youth – Full report 2012Mental Health, Youth Climate and Bullying Among Youth - Summary (Youth Facts) 2012To learn more about the Ottawa data and mental health promotion and suicide prevention  programming and services for children and youth, visit or call Ottawa Public Health Information at 613-580-6744 (TTY: 613-580-9656). You can also connect with OPH on Facebook and Twitter (@ottawahealth) for the latest public health information. read more..

Exercise Equipment-Exercise Machines-The Gym

Heading to the gym? Good for you! Just be sure to steer clear of this exercise e...

Heading to the gym? Good for you! Just be sure to steer clear of this exercise equipment.
10 Exercise Machines You Must Avoid | Fitbie
Just because a machine is in a gym doesn't mean it's safe--or effective. Stay clear of these popular machines read more..

Personal Training-Top Pet Peeves-Naked Butt

Show up on time, stop staring in the mirror, and don&#039;t sit your naked butt on th...

Show up on time, stop staring in the mirror, and don't sit your naked butt on the locker room benches. Below, 23 more ways you can unintentionally sabotage a personal training session.
Trainers’ Top Pet Peeves | Fitbie
Are you driving your personal trainer crazy? Exercise experts dish on client behaviors they wish they could change read more..

Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney-Medicare Cuts-Obama

Fact-check: Obama's Attack Ad on Romney-Ryan Medicare Overhaul

The Obama campaign wasted no time before rolling out an attack ad featuring Floridian seniors voicing concerns about how Medicare cuts under Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his running mate Rep. Paul Ryan will affect them.  But the ads raise questions about whether the... read more..

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Department Of Health And Human Services-Health Insurance Exchanges-President Barack Obama

Obama pushes for state help on health exchanges
Office Of Disease Prevention And Health Promotion-Department Of Health And Human Services
U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks at a campaign event at Bayliss Park in Council Bluffs

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration this week will try to encourage reluctant U.S. states to move forward with health insurance exchanges amid fears that time is running out for states to act on a reform provision meant to extend coverage to millions of low-to-moderate income uninsured Americans. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has scheduled four regional meetings this month to discuss the exchanges and other aspects of President Barack Obama's healthcare reform law with state officials and others. The meetings begin on Tuesday in Washington, D.C. ... read more..

Motivational Poster-Consistent Routine-Cortisol Levels-Free Poster-Experts

Print this motivational poster and use it as an anti-procrastination tool to hel...

Print this motivational poster and use it as an anti-procrastination tool to help you get out the door and start moving!
Free Poster: Go Running | Fitbie
Stay patient and motivated even when the needle on the scale isn't moving read more..

If you want to burn fat, experts recommend exercising in the early evening when...

If you want to burn fat, Experts recommend exercising in the early evening when cortisol levels are lowest. Want to create a consistent routine? You'll need to schedule your sweat session during a different time of day. Read on to find out when.
The Best and Worst Times to Exercise | Fitbie
Whether your goal is to build muscle, run faster, or simply make it to the gym four times a week, syncing your workouts with your body’s sleep-wake... read more..

Monday, 13 August 2012

Weight Loss

Like to run? Want to lose weight? This plan is for you:

Like to run? Want to lose weight?
This plan is for you:
Intermediate Running for Weight Loss: Running Program
Drop 10 pounds with our all-new fitness plan read more..

Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney-Vice Presidential Running Mate-Presidential Candidate Romney

Romney, Ryan hit the road in an energized campaign

WAUKESHA, Wisc. (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney took vice presidential running mate Paul Ryan home to a tearful welcome in Wisconsin on Sunday in a celebratory event that produced a flash of anger from Romney over what he considers dishonest campaigning by President Barack Obama. Ryan, a Wisconsin congressman elevated to Romney's No. 2 on Saturday, wiped away tears and choked up as he and Romney made a dramatic entrance on stage in front of a crowd of around 8,000 to the theme song of the movie, "Air Force One. ... read more..

Knock something off your bucket list by completing a 5-K. Runner&#039;s World no-fail...

Knock something off your bucket list by completing a 5-K. Runner's World no-fail beginner's plan will get you to the finish line.
5-K Jumpstart: Running Plan & Motivation Tips | Fitbie
New to running? Sign up for a 5-K, and let the Runner's World 5-K Training Jumpstart help get you started—in just 2 weeks! read more..

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney-House Of Representatives-Congressman Paul Ryan

Factbox: Paul Ryan, author of controversial plan to cut spending

(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said on Saturday that he has selected Congressman Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate. Below are some facts about Ryan. - Ryan, 42, a rising star among the populist Tea Party movement and fiscal conservatives who dominate the Republican Party, has served seven terms in the U.S. House of Representatives since first being elected in 1998. - Ryan attracted attention when, as chairman of the powerful House Budget Committee, offered a controversial plan in January 2010 to reform the tax code and eliminate the federal deficit. ... read more..

Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney-Republican Contenders-Congressman Paul Ryan

Factbox: Quotes from Republican contenders Romney, Ryan

(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Saturday announced Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan will be his vice presidential running mate at an event in Norfolk, Virginia. Here are excerpts from Romney's and Ryan's speeches: -- Romney: There are a lot of people in the other party who might disagree with Paul Ryan, but I don't know of anybody who doesn't respect his character and judgment. -- Romney: A faithful Catholic, Paul believes in the faith and dignity of every human life. -- Romney: With energy and vision, Paul has become an intellectual leader of the Republican party. ... read more..

Resistance Exercise-Muscle Group

At-Home Workout: You&#039;ll do a resistance exercise followed immediately by a high-...

At-Home Workout: You'll do a resistance exercise followed immediately by a high-energy cardio move that works the same muscle group.
Get the routine:
Work Out at Home
No gym? No problem. For this total-body workout, all you need to get super-fit is your own body--it provides enough resistance to sculpt a lean, sexy physique read more..

American Council On Exercise-Office Workers

Working out in the middle of the working day

NEW YORK (Reuters) - With the three-martini lunch gone the way of the typewriter, office workers are free to discover the healthier perks of midday movement. An active lunchtime can range from the sweaty to the serene, experts say, from a full-out cardio blast to a walk in the park. "People who want to get in a good workout over lunch hour can do simple things like go for a walk," said Dr. Cedric Bryant, chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise. "Think about it. Thirty minutes on a regular basis would meet the minimum threshold for physical activity," he added. U.S. ... read more..

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Completely Empty Stomach-Peanut Butter-Snacks

which are good pre-workout snacks? I don't like running and stuff on a completely empty stomach, i'm afraid I will pass out or something.

You should run after you eat, but not too soon after. Like say you have a small snack, maybe 30 minutes. The bigger meal, the longer to wait. I used to wait about an hour to run after I’d eaten breakfast. Maybe some oatmeal with fruit and Peanut Butter if you like it, a piece of toast with pb and a banana, a power-up smoothie, some fruit and peanut butter. Just mix things up! In my Index there’s a post-workout and snacks page (I need to rename it) that also has a few pre-workout food idea in there. read more..

Physical Activity-Healthday News-Training Plan-Diabetes-Exercise

"Like" this post if you&#039;ve ever run a 10-K.The 10-K has its own allure because...

"Like" this post if you've ever run a 10-K.
The 10-K has its own allure because you can train for the distance with little disruption to your life. Get your training plan, here:
Run Your First (or Fastest) 10-K!
You can tackle a 6.2-mile race in seven weeks with our 10-K training plans for beginner and intermediate runners read more..

More Evidence That Exercise Helps Fight Diabetes

MONDAY, Aug. 6 (Healthday News) -- People with Diabetes who boost their level of physical activity can reduce their risk of premature death, according to a new study. read more..

The Rest Of The World-Round The World-Youtube

Olympic Runner Breaks Leg, Finishes Race, and the Rest of the World Feels Inadequate

It was the crack that wasn’t heard ‘round the world: Unbeknownst to spectators, U.S. Olympic runner Manteo Mitchell broke his leg yesterday while running in the semifinals of the 4 x 400-meter relay. Yet he managed to finish, sending the team to the finals. read more..

Check out this new twist on a standard plank from our friends at YouTube 3V. How...

Check out this new twist on a standard plank from our friends at YouTube 3V. How many can you do in 30 seconds?
30-Second Fitness: Crunch-Free Abs Workout | Fitbie
Sick of crunches? Try this ab-sculpting compound exercise that combines the plank with oblique-toning strength twists read more..


Treadmill Runners: To better simulate the effort of outdoor running, you can alw...

Treadmill Runners: To better simulate the effort of outdoor running, you can always set your treadmill at a 1-percent incline.
More running tips:
Running for Beginners: FAQs
Run your way to a better body with these beginner tips from Runner's World read more..


Is this popular form of exercise doing more harm than good? Find out here: http:...

Is this popular form of Exercise doing more Harm than good? Find out here:
Fact v. Fiction: Running Is Bad for Your Knees | Fitbie read more..

Northeast Indian Village-Night Owl-Survivors

Deadline looms, but survivors of Assam bloodshed too scared to go home

BILASIPARA, India, Aug 10 (AlertNet) - There was little time to do anything but grab her two young boys and run as fast as she could when the gunmen came into the northeast Indian village in the dead of night and began firing. Along with scores of other villagers, nine-months pregnant Rohima Begum hid with her family waist-deep in the rice fields as the gunshots rang out amid the screams of those left behind. Eighteen days on, Rohima, like hundreds of thousands in Assam state, languishes in a displacement camp - too scared to go home after the worst ethnic violence in India in a decade. ... read more..

How does your family stay healthy?

How does your family stay healthy?
4 Ways to Celebrate Exercise with Your Child Week
Meet exercise goals--60 minutes daily for kids and 150 minutes weekly for adults--by working out alongside your child. Here's how read more..

More of a night owl? Try this workout tomorrow anyway. You&#039;re more likely to reg...

More of a night owl? Try this workout tomorrow anyway. You're more likely to regret sleeping in.
An A.M. Workout for Non-Morning People | Fitbie
This morning exercise routine is worth waking up for, even if you’re not a morning person read more..

Friday, 10 August 2012

Quick Dinners-Workouts

Can u give me any advice food wise, like quick dinners really healthy like. Maybe some nice workouts for muffin tops, thighs, and abs. I've been working out for a couple months now and I've slimmed down somewhat, and I'm feeling like no matter what I try and add to my workouts it hasn't been working. It's been about 4 and a half months.

// Dinner read more..

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Types Of Arthritis-Arthritis Symptoms-Arthritis Pain-Quiz

Did you know there are more than 100 different types of arthritis? Take our quiz...

Did you know there are more than 100 different types of arthritis? Take our Quiz and test your knowledge:
Quiz: Arthritis Pain Cures and Treatments -
Find out the truth about arthritis myths, and discover sneaky arthritis symptoms, safe exercise, natural remedies, and more. read more..